Payment of Taxes Foncieres

Payment of Taxes Foncieres

Payment of Taxes Foncieres in 2020

For those of you looking to pay your French Taxes Fonciere, things have changed a little since the early 2020s.

Instead of using an IBAN or sending in a cheque to cover the expense, you’ll now have to complete the form contained here –, which leads to an authorisation page to allow France Tax to debit your account. Every other form of payment is now refused. That means you can not pay by cheque and no bank details are furnished for payment any longer.

In other words, France Tax no longer trusts property owners to pay Taxes Fonciere of their own volition, so they’re going to take it out of your account automatically each year from now on.

When you click on the link above the first box requests your ‘numero fiscal’, which will be on the demand you received.

Following this you are brought to a ‘Payer en ligne’ (pay online) link.

This will ask for a reference, also provided on the demand request.

After this you can click on ‘Continue’.

The system will then show your bill, click ‘Confirmer’.

The system will now show boxes to enter your IBAN, BIC and name on the account. Enter all these details and click on ‘Confirmer’ again.

This should complete the payment.

Thank you to Eddy Regnier of NERC Concierge for this information and to the ever vigilant Noel Cocoman for making everyone aware of it.

You can contact Eddy at if you have further queries.

About diarmaidcondonadmin

Diarmaid Condon is Ireland's foremost Independent Overseas Property Consultant and Journalist. He has been in the industry since 1995 and, in that time, has been a strong advocate for improved legal protection in the sector.

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